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Nourish Them

Lactation Consulting

Clinical Psychology

Speech-Language Pathology

Feeding Therapy

Nutritional Therapy


Clinical Director

My name is Candice Fourie and I am a Speech-Language Pathologist and Lactation Educator with a special interest in paediatric feeding and oral development. As a mom who struggled, I understand first hand how hard it is for parents whose children have feeding and swallowing challenges. I founded Nourish Them with a vision of providing exceptional services for infants, toddlers and their parents as they navigate through the various stages of feeding, speech and language development. Our team is comprised of a lactation consultant, nutritional therapist, clinical psychologist and speech language pathologists who collaborate together. Using our varied skillsets, our extensive experience, our knowledge and our empathy we are helping infants, toddlers and parents thrive. We love what to do, and are so grateful to be able to support our families on their unique journeys.

How Can We Help?

African young  Mother breastfeeding her little baby in her arms..jpg
Newborn Baby

Breast and Bottle

Nursing and bottle feeding can be hard work for newborn babies, and all kinds of challenges can arise in the first year as their little mouths grow and change. Click below to learn more about infant feeding, and what we can do to help ensure your baby's nursing and/or bottle feeding journey is positive and nourishing! 

Eating and Drinking

Introducing food is a milestone every parent looks forward to. But when feeding your baby or toddler is difficult, mealtime becomes stressful and worrisome. Is it because they won't eat? Or because they can't? Click below to find out how together we can create positive mealtimes and help your little one love eating!

Speech and Language

Your baby's first babbles are the sweetest sounds! Did you know infants with feeding challenges are more likely to have delays in speech and language skills? Click below to learn about speech and language development and how we can work together to get your little one communicating successfully.

Support for Parents

You love them more than you could have ever imagined, but no one tells you how hard it's going to be! Through difficult pregnancy symptoms, birthing, postpartum, sleep deprivation and feeding's a LOT! Click below to learn how our clinical psychologist can help you on your parenting journey. 

Reach Out!

Send us a message, we will respond within 24-48 hours

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Nourish Them is accepting babies and toddlers ages 0-3 years at this time.
If you have an older child that requires services please let us know, we will be happy to help you source the right professionals. 

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